Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day One

Day One - I am 49 years old, I weigh 193 lbs, the goal is to eat and drink only plants. The goal is to be healthier, to have less joint pain and fewer migraines. I'd also like to lose at least 30 pounds (and not find it again).

I'm eliminating animal protein, dairy, caffeine and added sugar.

This is the new roommate.

Today I missed chewing.

Today's Menu

A.M. Last morning of coffee...goodbye French Roast I'll miss you!
Juice - Apples, Carrots, Celery

Mid-Day Juice - Apples, Kale, Cucumber, Spinach, Lemon
One raw Flax Seed Cracker from the Red Pepper Deli

Mid-Afternoon Juice - Strawberries, Kiwi, added Almond Milk and Raw 5 Protein Powder

Dinner Roasted Red Pepper Soup Pacific Foods
Two raw Kamut Crackers from Red Pepper Deli
Juice - Kale, Spinach, Oranges, Carrots, Cucumber

Snack Air Popped Popcorn with some Smart Balance and nutritional yeast.

The first day went well my stomach really started to growl in the afternoon and I felt a bit light headed. By dinner time I missed chewing, I sat and wondered how I'd keep this up for the next two months. It's important that I do this, I also want to be supportive of my partner who is on a juice fast (with her physicians supervision and blessing). I do plan to eat foods and am not restricting calories, I'm just restricting certain food groups.

Day One - I went to bed feeling good, not at all hungry.


  1. I'm bookmarking this site. I have the same goals, and maybe this is it. My job requires me to sit a lot and right now I can't do anything about that, but I can change my diet. I'm rooting for you both!


  2. Janet, How did you decide which juicer to get?
